The BasicsPhysical and Technical Work... Physical Work Technical Work
- How It Works
- Not Metal Detectors
- Registering Work
- Submitting Work Reports
- Paying Cash Instead of Reporting Work
- Using the MTO system to Register, Submit or Pay
The words Exploration and Development Work mean
any work or expense that you can register to renew your claim.
It is also called Assessment Work.
It doesn't mean any special kinds of work.
For your claim, it depends on the size. Cells vary in size
depending on how far North they are. The following table was made
from 1-cell claims as far North as...
The Assessment Work Requirement
The "Assessment Work Requirement"
is the amount of work and expenses you have to register to hold
your claim for another year - to add a year to the Good-To Date.
It is $20 per hectare.
Town of Atlin |   | 16.39 ha x $20/ha = $328 per cell |
Prince George |   | 19.05 ha x $20/ha = $381 per cell |
Wells - Cariboo |   | 19.41 ha x $20/ha = $388 per cell |
Lillooet |   | 20.47 ha x $20/ha = $410 per cell |
Princeton |   | 21.00 ha x $20/ha = $420 per cell |
Old "legacy" claims - usually rectangles along a creek - are considered to be 50 hectares for the Assessment Work Requirement: 50 ha x $20/ha = $1000.
CIL is twice the Work Requirement, so paying that much will move the Good-To Date out 6 months. Paying that and half that again, will move it out 9 months. You can't move it less than 6 months or more than 12 months by paying CIL.
If you are new to placer mining, hiring a miner for a day or two and going along can be a good way to learn from someone with experience. You may also learn how to put together a physical work report.
The advantage of this over paying Cash In Lieu to the government is that, for the same amount of money, you may be able to move the Good-To Date out further and learn more about your claim.
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The amount of work and expenses you have to do to hold
your claim for another year - the Assessment Work Requirement -
is $20 per hectare - about $400 per cell.
For an old legacy claim (usually, a rectangle along a creek),
it is $1000. See
The Assessment Work Requirement
You can register more or less than the Work Requirement and
move the Good-To Date out by more or less than a year -
days or years - up to ten years from the anniversary date this year.
To register work, you must know:
If you have submitted work reports for the claim(s)
for the same work program in the past, you want the Event Number
for Expiry-Date-change Events (from when you registered the work)
for the work program on the claim(s).
You can get Event Numbers by doing a
MTO Claim Search.
Registering work on your claim must be done by you or your
authorized agent.
The work must have been done on your claim, or if your claim is part of
a group of your claims that share sides (not just corners),
any claim in that group.
If you own a claim with a grid cell that is
partially covered by one or more old legacy claims
(usually rectangles along a creek),
you have to do work or pay cash in lieu for the entire cell.
(However, if the old legacy claim expires,
your claim expands to include the entire cell.)
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Information Update No. 14 -
Submitting Exploration and Development Work Reports
You don't have to use the MTO system to submit work reports.
The PDF documents of a work report may be...
You can probably do the work report on paper and mail it,
although they seem to want PDF files and not want paper.
Work reports on CD ROM or Paper may be mailed to:
Ministry of Energy and Mines
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You can pay cash to move the Good-To Date of your claim out.
If you do, you don't have to register and report any work.
It costs about $800 per cell or $2000 for an old legacy claim
(usually a rectangle along a creek) to add a year to the
Good-To Date.
You can pay as little as half that, and move the Good-To Date out
as little as 6 months, or anything in between.
This is double the
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Register Work to Change the Good-To Date...
Submit a Work Report (After Registering Work)...
Paying Cash Instead of Reporting Work...
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Most placer mining involves
Physical Work -
digging and washing gravel to recover gold, reclamation of
land disturbed by your work, and a number of other types of
Technical Work is work that is usually done by
qualified Prospectors or Professional Geologists, Geophysicists,
Geochemists, etc.
If you have the knowledge, you can do
Technical Work
on your own claim. If it is your claim,
professional qualifications are not required.
If you have any questions or are not certain about how work should
be reported, contact
Mineral Titles.
Clearing Land is also acceptable physical work if it is a
required part of a larger physical work program, for which a
Notice of Work
must have been submitted,
and a Reclamation Permit - a Mines Act Permit received.
This is presumably for situations like clearing part of a
bench which is to be mined.
These kinds of work cannot be submitted as
standalone Physical Work.
If you have any questions, particularly if the
larger program is physical work, you should contact
Mineral Titles.
Drilling must be reported as technical work -
Drilling to Collect Samples.
You cannot report drilling for placer mining as physical work.
The work required to determine who owns land or Crown Land Leases,
and to give them notice, may be registered as assessment work.
This is (possibly) the only work that can be applied to a claim
where the work was done before the claim existed.
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Of course, you can work as slowly and as little as you like.
You just adjust hours and days in proportion.
If on average, you have worked 4 hours at half-speed - you count
it as two hours.
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Read: Information Update No. 8 -
You must read through this thing. You skip parts
that don't apply to you. It has details that you need.
A Physical Work Report describes the physical work, with labour
and other expenses that you Register to move the Good-To Date out.
Once you know how to fill out the physical work report,
you will know how to calculate the expenses that you Register.
The report must be
within 30 days after the work is registered.
To download this Report to your computer, you can right-click
on the link above and then select
"Save Link As..." or "Save Link Target As..." or something similar,
depending on your web browser.
It can be filled in and saved with the free version of Adobe Reader
(although not on the version for Linux).
The Report can also be downloaded from the
Forms page.
For labour costs, the number of people, what they did and the
work periods must be recorded.
Methods and equipment used must be recorded in detail (ex.
"digging with hand shovel and pick axe"; sluice box with size;
trommel of a specified size, horsepower and age; excavator of
a specified make, model and year).
For hole dug, you have to record the GPS coordinates,
the dimensions in metres and the size in cubic metres.
For each sample from the hole,
you record the depth (if appropriate), the size/amount,
the amount washed, and the results.
In some cases, you need to record how you moved around to
justify the hours - sniping for example.
In these cases, you must include GPS coordinates as you work,
to record your path.
Since at least March 2016, the following labour costs can be used:
Where there is a wage agreement between a mining company and its workers,
those wage rates may be used instead of those shown above.
Food purchased while traveling should be counted as a Travel expense.
Note that travel and food/lodging costs can't be the only costs that are
reported for assessment work - they must be part of work in the field that
is reported.
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If you have the knowledge, you can do technical work on
your own claim without professional qualifications.
This includes Drilling for Samples
where you direct and supervise a drilling contractor.
It is your drilling and your technical work. You write the report.
Reporting Technical Work.
Technical work that might be done by placer miners includes...
Drilling can be as small as
using a hand-held power-drill with an auger-bit, or it can mean
bringing in a drilling contractor. The hand drill is
probably testing for bedrock rather than
bringing up physical samples.
It would appear that assay results aren't required, which would
make sense for placer miners. You should keep the panned out
samples, and say in the report that they are in your possession.
Geology supply shops may sell special sealing cups for geochemistry
samples. Zipper-close freezer bags (maybe one inside another) should
also work fine.
Prospecting can only be reported in the first three years in which
you own a claim.
You take/dig samples of any size, wash them, test them,
and record the hole/sample/results.
You look at the regional and local physical geology -
valleys, streams, benches, bedrock depth (if known) and outcrops,
affects of glaciers and melt-water run-off. You look for
deposits of gravel/sand/silt/etc. and where they might be underground.
You do traverses -
exploring along lines that you show on a claim map or work-site map.
For a placer claim on a creek in a valley, the natural traverses
are along the stream, or parallel to it, and across the valley.
While doing traverses, you observe conditions, take samples and
record locations with their GPS coordinates.
For placer mining, the location of outcrops of bedrock
might be important, and is recorded,
but the types of rock or sedimentary formations usually isn't.
Prospecting on your own claim is most likely to be accepted
as technical work
if it is done in a very organized and systematic way.
From Information Update Number 8...
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The Technical Work Report is written by the person that does the
work. It must be
within 90 days after the technical work is registered.
If you hire a contractor to drill so you (or a worker)
can collect samples, it is your technical work and
you write the work report.
I believe that you are supposed to use the
Assessment Report Title Page and Summary
for Technical Work Reports, which is available from the:
For what must be included in a Technical Work Report, see
Section 16 and for format and more content, see
Schedule A
of the
Mineral Tenure Act Regulation.
See the
Assessment Report Regulations Checklist
for Technical Reports.
Reporting requirements for different types of technical work...
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One or more maps, at least as detailed as 1:10,000 and showing at least
one claim boundary corner, must show the location of work sites and the
locations of any digging (by hand or machine) was done.
You must record the GPS coordinates of where each hole was dug,
sample taken, test made or material taken.
A ground control survey and/or grid lines that were surveyed for a
technical work program must be shown on a map at a scale at least as
detailed as 1:5,000.
Work report maps must be submitted as PDF documents -
the files end in ".pdf".
You can make maps using the
Mineral Titles Online (MTO)
mapping system. You can
save maps as PDF Documents.
Creating a map for your physical work report -
Quick Guide (PDF)
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Claim Exploration and Development Work - Upload Report
Claim Payment Instead of Exploration and Development Work
Download the Physical Work Report PDF form...
Title Page for a Technical Work Report...
All images on this website are copyrighted by their owners and
they may not be downloaded for other than personal
use - republication, retransmission, reproduction or other use is
Note: This page may contain images from
Not Metal Detectors
You can use a metal detector on a placer claim,
but you cannot count work with a metal detector as
work to maintain your claim.
Registering Work
You Register Work with the MTO system.
See the
MTO Help Section.
(short answer: work-types, new Good-To Dates, Total Dollar Amount)
Submitting Work Reports
You can Submit Work Reports with the MTO system.
See the
MTO Help Section.
300 - 865 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2G3
Paying Cash Instead of Reporting Work
You Pay Cash to renew a claim with the MTO system.
See the
MTO Help Section.
Using the MTO system to Register, Submit or Pay
Logon to MTO from the
MTO Page.
You click the top yellow button and then enter your
and password.
Claim Exploration and Development Work/Expiry Date Change
Claim Exploration and Development Work - Upload Report
Claim Payment Instead of Exploration and Development Work
Physical Work and Technical Work
See: Information Update No. 25 -
Exploration and Development Work.
Physical Work
A lot of placer mining is physical work...
Other Types of Physical Work
Ground Control Surveys, Line Cutting and Grids,
All these types of work are acceptable physical work if they are
a required part of a technical work program.
Road and Trail Work, and Clearing LandPrecision GPS Surveys
If a survey by a British Columbia Land Surveyor (BCLS) is required
on a placer claim, you can claim the cost as physical work.
One example is a survey required to turn a claim into a lease.
Do not record anything where it says "Drilling" in the
physical work report - it is for drilling for blasting.
Prospecting As Physical Work
Prospecting or exploring can only be reported as physical work
if enough digging and washing is done to meet
Workday and Production Standards.
Otherwise, this kind of work must be reported as
the technical work of
Notifying Land Owners
Before you enter
Private Land or Crown Land Leases,
you must give notice to the owners.
Workday and Production Standards
You are supposed to be properly equipped to do whatever it is
that you are doing. You are expected to be working at doing it.
Work Day Standard
You report some costs by the day, like food and lodging.
A "day" must include a minimum of 6 hours of work.
If you work half that - 3 hours per day - then you only count
half as many days. 8 half-days is counted as 4 days.
Hand Panning Standards
From Information Update No. 8:
In good conditions a production rate of 200 pans in a
ten hour work period is expected. Production levels may decrease
in situations where
distance between the pay dirt and the wash area increase,
the terrain becomes more severe, the weather more inclement or
the ground more difficult.
If there are extraordinary situations causing
below average production rates please describe the details with
your cost statements. For further information, please contact
For further information, please contact
Mineral Titles.
Reporting Physical Work
The Physical Work Report - What You Can Include
For the types of Physical Work, see
Physical Work.
Guide to the Evaluation of Physical Work for
Assessment Purposes
Getting the Physical Work Report
You can download the
Report Of Physical Exploration And Development (PDF).
Reporting Physical Work - They Want Details!
In addition to hours, labour rates, equipment rentals and such, you
must provide details about what was done and how, so that the
Mineral Title folks can estimate what your costs should be.
Labour Costs
Labour is generally the big expense on a physical work report -
"Physical Work" hours at a cost per hour.
Food/Lodging Costs
Food/Lodging costs can be included -
between $50 and $100 per day per worker (depending on whether it is
commercial lodging, room and board, or living in the field).
Travel Expenses
Travel expenses (with receipts) for people and equipment can be included
up to a maximum of 20% (50% if by helicopter) of all other work costs.
This means that if all assessment work not including Travel expenses
adds up to $1000, you cannot claim more than 20% of $1000 = $200 for
travel expenses.
Technical Work
Technical Work is work that is normally done by a
qualified Prospector,
or a Professional Geologist, Geophysicist, Geochemist, etc.
The person that does the Technical Work writes the
Technical Work Report.
Drilling for Samples
Drilling by placer miners is always technical work -
drilling to get samples to test and/or to determine the
depth to bedrock.
Geochemistry is collecting small samples to send to a lab for assay.
Placer miners are generally only interested in gold and sometimes
platinum. Samples may be of soil or of sand/silt from the stream,
bank or higher up.
Prospecting is exploring (parts of) a claim.
It is work aimed at getting information rather than gold.
You may do it to learn and/or to get the Prospecting Report.
You learn more about the physical geology,
find gravel deposits and search for prospects -
possible mining locations worth more testing later
(possibly by mining them for the gold).
"Activities such as walking around the claim, picking up rocks,
planning out or surveying for work sites or roads, and marking
the claim boundaries, are not allowable for work credits, and
should not be included in physical or technical reports."
Reporting Technical Work
For the types of Technical Work, see
Technical Work.
Map and Location Requirements
The location of each work site and a description of how to get to there
from the nearest town must be reported. You can report distances between
intersections where you turn from one road to another, or you can
report the coordinates of these intersections from a GPS or
from an MTO map.
Making the Map(s)
Physical work reports must include a map at a scale of 1:10,000
that shows the work area(s). It always says "or more detailed", but
it seems that they really want the work-site-location maps to be at
1 to 10,000.
All the Outside Links Again
Mineral Tenure Act Regulation
MTO Help
Claim Exploration and Development Work/Expiry Date Change
Submitting Work Reports
Information Update No. 14 -
Submitting Exploration and Development Work Reports
Physical Work and Technical Work
Information Update No. 25 -
Exploration and Development Work
Reporting Physical Work
Information Update No. 8 -
Guide to the Evaluation of Physical Work for
Assessment Purposes
Report Of Physical Exploration And Development (PDF)
Reporting Technical Work
Assessment Report Regulations Checklist
Assessment Report Title Page and Summary
Map and Location Requirements
Creating a map for your physical work report -
Quick Guide (PDF)
Copyright 2011 to 2024 by Brian Marshall
Copyright 2024 by The Omineca Mining Association